Helping Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations have different priorities, needs, and challenges than their for-profit counterparts. Revenue is still important of course, but more fundamental is how the organization achieves its mission while remaining financially sound. Pleasing nonprofit stakeholders can be far more complicated than delivering a profit for shareholders.

Is your organization truly organized? How does your growing team expand its relevance and influence? Can you update what worked in the past to succeed into the future? These important questions deserve thoughtful legal analysis. Tell us what you need. Here’s how we can add value.



  • Launching your organization and confirming tax status

  • Defining roles and policies for staff, volunteers, and board members

  • Fundraising strategy and documents



  • Protecting intellectual property

  • Negotiating vendor agreements

  • Structuring chapter/society relationships

  • Adding an external and fractional general counsel



  • Reviewing corporate governance practices

  • Positioning for international opportunities

  • Updating member benefits and rights

  • Reviewing and opening/closing product lines

Your organization won’t fit neatly into any one category. Nonprofits are wonderfully messy. The important thing is to spend time thinking smarter and getting sound legal advice, making sure your efforts are efficiently serving your mission and vision. Contact us and let’s talk it through together.